Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Exploring Ashenvale

Day 2: Ashenvale

Died twice coming here from the Crossroads. Bait is useless right now, considering he'll get killed in two or three blows. The first step I took into Ashenvale, I died, one-shotted by one of the Ashenvale skirmishers which assault the gate. I thought they would be distracted with the horde guards, but apparently not. I revived and rushed, managing to explore the first area just a I was hit, falling face-down. The bowmans where a huge problem, as I had no way of running past them.

Can't outrun any of the enemies anymore, and Bait is also useless, so maybe rolling a hunter wasn't such a good idea. I don't think any other class would make much of a difference, though.

The spiders were also a huge problem, since their venom spit would almost kill me. If I ran into two of them, which was usually the case, it was only a matter of how far I got before their poison killed me.

Exploring the Howling Vale was really hard. I kept getting killed by the trees over and over again, and couldn't find exactly where I had to go to explore that area, leading to several long corpse runs.

Getting into the Bough Shadow was nearly impossible; there were Emerald-dragon-things everywhere. I ran and swam through the lake to reach Silverwind Refuge not realizing there was a simpler road and that it was a horde outpost. I died like 10 times getting there, and it took me nearly 15 minutes.

Today's moral is: stick to the roads. Trying to take "shortcuts" through the wilderness will only make me die dozens of times.

Yes! I'm still alive!
... never mind.
Deaths: 53

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Magalhaes's First Day

Day 1: Durotar, Northern Barrens, Mulgore


Would have expected Durotar to be a little easier, but those level 6 scorpids took me down in a couple of hits, but still, very easy. If I’m having trouble with level 6-8 mobs, I can’t imagine how hard it’ll be once I reach the harder areas. One-shot kills, I guess. I decided to swim from Durotar to the Northern Barrens, thinking I wouldn’t run into any mobs there.

Luck wasn’t on my side, however, as an elite level 10 sand shark one-shotted me. At least I appeared on a graveyard in Ratchet, so it saved me some time.

Deaths: 5

Northern Barrens

Despite my numerous deaths in this area, this was actually fairly easy. Aside from the Kolkars and some closely packed raptors, there weren’t any difficult mobs, although exploring The Forgotten Pools did take a couple of death. The Kolkar's ranged attacks where impossible to dodge They would kill Bait then snipe me from a distance. I died three times there, and would have died a fourth if it weren’t for another player there who killed several of them, allowing a small passage for me to cross.

Fortunately, the several times I died moving from one area to another, I appeared in a graveyard right where I wanted to be, which saved me a lot of time. I also managed to climb on the mountains to the northwest and explored The Mor’shan Ramparts and The Dry Hills form there, safe from any enemies.

It's a miracle I'm not face-down in this picture.

It amazes me that most of the enemies appeared as level ??. I mean, they are level 11 at most, and they already appear as skulls?! They took me down in two or three hits, and this is one of the first areas! Looks like a hard task ahead of me. Anyways, after exploring The Wailing Caverns and getting the achievement, I ran over to The Crossroads and took a gryphon ride to Thunder Bluff.

Deaths: 8


My first death was plain stupid. I jumped from Thunder Bluff to the ground below, thinking I would get “Going Down?”. I failed. Miserably. Several closely-packed mobs caused several more deaths, but a player called Kwali helped me in several occasions while attempting to explore The Venture Co. Mine. That place had too many mobs packed together. Thanks!

Enemies literally rained down from the sky. I have no clue where most of them came from. They just seemed to randomly drop, and I mean, literally drop down form the sky. Had several annoying corpse runs; it seems the graveyards weren’t on my side this time. Also, sometimes when I revived, I immediately got attacked by an enemy. This mob in turn pulled another, and another, and it wasn’t rare for me to get swarmed by 3 or more enemies at a time. In this case my pet became useless, as he only aggroed 1 or 2 enemies at most, while the rest would focus on me.

Got invited into a guild, Disavowed, which allowed me to walk faster as a ghost. This will definitely come in handy. Also, I find it funny how I died more times here than in Northern Barrens.

Anyways, I seem to keep forgetting to take screenshots of when I get the achievements. Hopefully I won’t do so in the future.

Deaths: 10

Next stop, Ashenvale. I have a feeling that will be much harder.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Magalhães the Explorer

Day 0: Preparation

This will be my level 1 World Explorer. Magalhães was named after the famous explorer Fernand de Magallan. Made him an orc as he won’t get stunned, and a hunter so the pet could distract enemies and allow me to run. Would have preferred doing a rogue, but since they can’t stealth until level 5 now, it would have been pointless. At least now my pet, a boar appropriately named “Bait”, can tank while I run away and leave him to die.

Will I be able to finish this? Maybe not. I suppose it all depends on how patient I really am.

First thing I did when creating my character was grab the 17 G I had sent him by mail from the nearby mailbox. Then, I ran all the way to Sen’jin Village from the Valley of Trials, then took a free wind ride to Orgrimmar, as this would prevent me from discovering any other areas and gain XP. Got my first death since I didn’t want to take the elevator in Orgrimmar and risk discovering a new area, so I fell from where the wind rider is to the ground. I haven’t even begun, and already I’ve died.

This doesn’t look promising.

Magalhães, all ready to begin exploring!

Is it a good idea to have this character keep the clothing he started with? Perhaps not, but I feel sending him heirloom items or having him wear twinked armor would be cheating. If I think it's too tough, maybe I'll send him items. For now, he'll keep his starting clothes.

This will be a very big challenge for me, I’ve only gotten World Explorer once, and even then by flying everywhere. At lest this will give me a chance to really explore the world, enjoy the scenery, and die over and over again.

Sounds fun.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dungeon Finder Rant

Lately I've been running a lot of dungeons on my main - mostly heroics - trying to get enough money for my fast flying mount. This means I've been running into every kind of player, some of which have been complaining all the run about the quality of the group. Seriously, I'll tear my eyes out if I see one more "QQ". This, however, isn't a rant about the quality of the players who use the DF, but rather about the people who complain about the quality of the DF.

First off, the time it takes to get a team for a dungeon is ridiculous. It took me over an hour and a half to get a group for Magister's Terrace, and even then, there was a constant complaining from part of the tank, saying the healer sucked. The healer said that no, it was the tank who sucked. Honestly, I think we sucked as a team, but that's besides the point. I'm not going to wait almost two hours just to see two people argue about who sucks.

We wiped several times before reaching the final boss, but still, I was pretty optimistic about the group. After all, a couple wipes, while annoying, isn't all that uncommon. Just a small loss of concentration, a big pull, or getting feared into mobs; it happens.

The last boss, however, gave way too much trouble. We wiped five or six times, the fighting between the healer and tank continuing, until the tank went AFK without warning. After several minutes of waiting for him we kicked him out of the group.

My point is, if you're going to complain about the players in a PUG, don't use the DF. I'm sure your guildmates will be more than glad to make a run with you. And I know what you might think: What if I've just come home, tired, and only want to quickly do a dungeon without having to go asking around? Then just join the team and don't complain. If you're going to use the DF then you run the risk of getting into a bad group. If you get into one, then, instead of arguing about why the team sucks, either stick with it, or leave. Arguing will win you nothing.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Meet Deotrixas

The first character I will showcase in this blog, Deotrixas, is my Ironman character. He is in the Argent Dawn (RP) server, since I thought that by making him in an RP server I would have to make an interesting back-story trying to explain why exactly he is talentless, professionless, wearing only whites, and never eats.

In case anyone doesn't know, the Ironman Challenge was developed by Psynister and Vrykerion and has the following rules:

1. Use only white/grey items.
2. No spending talent points. No specialization at level 10. (Regular skill training is fine.)
2. No Primary or Secondary Professions other than First Aid.
3. No means of XP boosting (No Recruit-A-Friend, No Guild, and obviously no Heirlooms)
4. No consumable bonuses (food, potions, elixirs, etc) 
– Rogue Poisons allowed
5. No enchants.
6. No Groups. (Since clarification was requested: That means no dungeons, no Dungeon Finder, no battlegrounds, no anything that puts you in a group and no grouping up with people to quest or anything.)
7. No Death Knights.

8. No Glyphs

I made Deotrixas a rogue since it's a class I've always struggled with in order to increase the challenge factor.
Deotrixas, fresh out of Northshire Valley

He just reached level 12 and is leveling in Loch Modan, but is struggling with many of the quests, so he might go and level in a different area. Honestly, it's my fault, since the introductory quest to this area was red when I decided to come here. I don't know what I was thinking.

Anyways, I have a feeling I'll enjoy leveling this character. Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Post-Cataclysmic Adventurer!

Hello everybody! This is a blog dedicated to all my adventures inside World of Warcraft, after the Cataclysm. I really like exploring those little-known locations, and leveling in unconventional ways, as well as ranting about many things. Currently, I plan on making a Level 1 World Explorer, a Thriftee, and an Ironman. Possibly more, but I don't want to overwhelm myself with too many characters.

My current main is a level 70 Tauren Druid called Guldeq, on the Drakari server. Even though I've been playing WoW for many years now, most of my characters have "retired" (i.e. been deleted) to make space for my new ones, so I don't have a "high" character right now.

Anyways, hopefully you will enjoy reading about my adventures and rants (mostly the latter)!